Frequently Asked Questions
We accept Credit Cards
Other languages - none
wheelchair access all areas
How much
will my treatment cost?
NHS examinations are free. Your treatment cost will depend on your need. NHS fees are set by the government. Any treatment you require will be discussed fully including pricing. In addition you will always be given a written estimate of estimated costs. Our staff will be happy to discuss the costings further if you require.
How long
will it take to register?
As mentioned you are required to have a dental examination with one of our dentists to register as a patient. This appointment will take 15 - 20 minutes and any further appointments required will be discussed with you at this appointment depending on your dental need.
What if I
am nervous?
All of our team - dentists, nurses and receptionists are sensitive to each of our patients needs. We want you to have a relaxing, enjoyable experience at our practice and will take the time required to ensure you feel at ease at all times.
Do I have
to pay for my dental treatment?
Not all patients are required to pay for dental treatments depending on your circumstances. Please see the Free NHS Services for qualifying patients page to determine if you are eligible for free treatment.
I am a
student - do I have to pay?
If you are 18 and in full time education you will be exempt from NHS dental charges