Free services for Qualifying patients

  1. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you are under 18 years of age you do not have to pay for your NHS dental treatment.   
  2. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you are 18 years of age and you are in full-time education you do not have to pay for your NHS dental treatment.  
  3. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you are pregnant or you have had a baby in the previous 12 months you do not have to pay for your NHS dental treatment.  
  4. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you or your partner are in receipt of Income Support, or income-based Job Seekers Allowance you do not have to pay for your NHS dental treatment.  
  5. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you or your partner hold a current Tax Credit NHS exemption certificate from your entitlement to Working Families Tax Credit or Disabled Person's Tax Credit, you do not have to pay for your NHS dental treatment.  
  6. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you or your partner hold a current HS Charges Certificate you may be exempt from paying all or part of your HS Dental treatment costs. You can apply for a HS Charges Certificate by completing a Form HC1 available from your Doctor, Dentist, Optician or Social Security Office. You should send it in to your local Social Security Office on completion where your entitlement will be assessed. Further advice and explanation is on the HC1 Form.  
  7. If you are registered for Health Service treatment
    AND you or your partner are in receipt of Pension Credit Guarantee Credit you do not have to pay for NHS dental treatment.

Repairs to dentures are free to all registered patients regardless of income.

Surgery opening hours
08:30 - 17:30 (Monday to Thursday)
08:30 - 17:00 (Friday)